Study in French or in English?

LaSalle College courses are given in either French or in English, or in both languages. Candidates must therefore have a functional level of one or the other language.

For a DEC program, a candidate must complete a language competency test if his or mother tongue is other than Enlish or French.

French is the official language of instruction in Québec. Studying in French opens almost all doors for the job market in Québec. Having good communication skills in English is obviously also key in developing real-life skills.

LaSalle College is affiliated with Languages Across Borders (LAB). Language courses are available for all students of the College. Visit the LAB website for more details.

Bilingual programs?

From time to time, it happens that an insufficient number of students register for a program in a specific language. When this occurs, the College combines Anglophone and Fracophone students to make a complete class and the program is taught both in English and French.

Why study evenings?

Many people wonder how it is possible to resume studies and maintain employment at the same time. Whether a person wishes to increase their value in their current workplace or reorient their career completely, studying evenings has several advantages.

If you have the energy and motivation to undergo evening studies, many programs are available at LaSalle College. You will find yourself studying with other people who have the same drive and hunger for knowledge as you.

Who are intensive programs for?

Students who have already completed a college level program are generally admissible for intensive programs.

All general education courses (French, Philosophy, Physical Education, English) and complementary courses are credited. Students can then focus on completing only the courses that are specific to a program. Intensive programs last a maximum of 2 years.

Who are regular programs for?

If you just finished secondary V and you want to pursue college level studies, a regular program is ideal for you. Regular programs are complete with both general and specific courses and last anywhere from two to three years.

Open House | Salle Jean-Paul-Morin (2nd floor), LaSalle College

Open House

Discover why, every year, thousands of students choose LaSalle College to achieve their dreams.
  • November 2, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM