You're In! Welcome to LaSalle College

A young student, holding a water bottle and backpack, inquires at a university service desk staffed by an attentive personnel.

Get Ready for Your First Day!

  • Book a flight

    You can already start planning your flight to Montréal. In order to complete certain formalities, we ask you to arrive at least two weeks before the start of classes.

  • Airport pickup

    Thanks to our partnership with Accueil Plus, take advantage of a service that will give you peace of mind and facilitate your arrival at Montréal airport (YUL).

  • Housing

    Finding suitable accommodation can be a challenge, especially for international students. You will find information that will enable you to make an informed choice.


The path to your academic success

The Omnivox portal includes Léa and MIO, which will keep you up to date with all that is going on at LaSalle College. Omnivox and MIO (Omnivox Internal Messaging) are your best friends. It is through the MIOs that you will be able to communicate with your teachers and the administrative staff and they will also communicate with you through this platform.

How to pay my tuition fees?

A bird's-eye view of a dense urban block, illustrating the blend of residential and commercial structures.

Get to Know Your New Campus

Our campus learning environment encourages creativity and experimentation. Our campus is designed to create a strong sense of belonging and a welcoming experience.

Learn More About Campus LIfe

Got questions about your academic journey?

Whether it's about your academic pathway, your schedule, a grade revision, or a document request, discover the team members at your service!