Arts and Communication

- Starts August | January
- On-campus | Montréal
- Taught in English, French
- 2 years (4 semesters, 1365 hours)
- Full-time | daytime
- Starts August | January
- On-campus | Montréal
- Taught in English, French
- 2 years (4 semesters, 1365 hours)
- Full-time | daytime
- Starts August | January
- On-campus | Montréal
- Taught in English, French
- 3 years (6 semesters, 2265 hours)
- Full-time | daytime
- Starts May | September | January
- Online | Montréal
- Taught in French
- 16 months (4 semesters, 840 hours)
- Full-time | evening
- Starts September | January
- On-campus | Montréal
- Taught in French
- 18 months (3 semesters, 900 hours)
- Full-time | daytime

Develop creative skills and open doors for university studies with LaSalle College Montréal's Arts, Literature and Communication - Option in Arts DCS program.

Develop communication skills and open doors for university studies with LaSalle College Montréal's Arts, Literature and Communication - Option in Media DCS program.

Are you both creative and logical? Combine both sides of your brain with LaSalle College Montréal's DCS in Business Management (Profile in Creative Industries Management)!
LaSalle College Montréal’s Event Planning and Management program (ACS) teaches you all the secrets of coordinating successful events and promotions.
With LaSalle College Montréal's Social Media Strategy ACS program, master customer loyalty, enhance the customer experience and harness the power of social media.
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Let's figure this out together!