Spotlight on Our Graduates

Anne-Sophie Goulet 

Name: Anne-Sophie Goulet
Title: Founder
Company Name: Anso Atelier
Study program: Fashion Marketing 
Degree obtained in: 2020


Anne-Sophie Goulet

A woman of many talents, Anne-Sophie was undoubtedly born to shine. The 23-year-old is the head of her own luxury marketing agency with over seven employees. Take a look at her colorful career path.


What title do you currently hold and what are your main functions?

I am the founder of Anso Atelier, a Montreal-based marketing agency specializing in the marketing of luxury products, particularly in the fashion and hospitality industries. I take care of a little bit of everything in the company, both on the administrative and marketing/creative sides. For example, I'm in charge of accounting, client relations, agency expansion strategies, legal, human resources, etc. I am also involved in every step of every project we do, for all our services, including social media management, website creation, photo campaign production, brand creation from A to Z, content creation, marketing strategy development, etc.


"I spend at least one day a week, usually on Fridays, either directing a photoshoot, doing content creation, or spending the day in person with clients."


Describe a typical day in your professional life.

A typical day starts in our new office in St-Henri: have a coffee, check my emails and prepare my to-do list for the day. Each morning, I publish and manage each social media account for our clients. After that, I spend about 3 hours a day on Zoom meetings. I spend the rest of the day working with the team on different projects: marketing strategies, creating a client's brand image, editing videos, selecting images for a photoshoot, creating marketing calendars, organizing a photoshoot campaign, etc. Finally, I spend at least one day a week, usually on Fridays, either directing a photoshoot, doing content creation, or spending the day in person with clients.

Anne-Sophie Goulet 


Describe your career path.

I started my first steps in the industry as a model 8 years ago. At the same time, I started a cap company with my friends in high school. I was able to gain a better understanding of fashion marketing, including online sales and social media marketing, through this experience. As a result of this experience, I decided to pursue a degree in Fashion Marketing at LaSalle College. To acquire new knowledge, I worked in a clothing store during my DEC and volunteered with several industries committees was this experience led to my first real job in the field, working in the marketing department for LAMARQUE for about three years. I then launched my business in 2020.


"I still keep in touch with many of them, either on a friendly or professional level."


What is your fondest memory while studying at LaSalle College?

My best memory of my time at LaSalle College is all the friendships I made. I still keep in touch with many of them, either on a friendly or professional level. Also, the SMCL fashion show was a great experience where you learn to work as a team and work with industry professionals.

Anne-Sophie Goulet 


"It was a very creative and research-based course, and I have continued to apply the concepts learned through this course in my career."


What was your favorite subject while studying at LaSalle College? Are you applying this today to your current career?

I would say that the marketing classes with Lili Desrochers really helped me. I found her very interesting, she was aware of all the current trends and what was happening in the marketing world. It was a very creative and research-based course, and I have continued to apply the concepts learned through this course in my career.


What was your general feeling and first impression when you started out at LaSalle College?

At first glance, LaSalle College seems somewhat intimidating with all its new students dressed up so nicely. After a while, I realized that everyone I met was very friendly and that we all got to know each other pretty well since we were a small cohort.


"I would say that building your network from the beginning of a fashion career is super important."

Anne-Sophie Goulet 


What surprised you the most when you arrived in the workforce?

First, I was amazed at how well everyone knows each other in the fashion industry in Montreal: photographers, stylists, agencies, etc. That's why I would say that building your network from the beginning of a fashion career is super important. Secondly, I was surprised to see how important attention to detail is. There are many things that we tend not to notice at first glance but are extremely important in the long run. All the way from writing an email to selecting images for a photo shoot campaign, the more precise the work, the more likely it is to be taken seriously. 


"Any industry experience is a good experience; it will help you stand out in the competitive fashion market when it comes time to find a job."


Anne-Sophie Goulet


What advice would you offer to a student currently enrolled in the same program you took?

While you are studying, take the opportunity to work in your field if you have the chance. If not, I highly recommend doing internships or getting involved in committees in your industry to gain experience. Gaining expertise doesn't have to be complicated, for example, it could be spending a few hours a week managing a small company's social networks for free. Any industry experience is a good experience; it will help you stand out in the competitive fashion market when it comes time to find a job. Another tip would be to work on your network. It is important to connect with people in your field and follow them. It's a great way to get exposure, learn about your industry, and find employers.


What are the qualities necessary to succeed in your field?

One quality that isn't obvious, but to me is crucial, is being super organized. Organizing will make you stand out even more in fashion and marketing, where people aren't always organized. My clients greatly appreciate my organization (files, emails, etc.). Another quality that I find essential to being successful is to always go the extra mile; always give 110%, at all levels. It really does make a difference.

Anne-Sophie Goulet


Where do you find your inspiration and information resources?

I listen to a lot of podcasts and take online courses to always learn more about the ever-changing marketing environment. Here are some podcasts I really like: Skinny Confidential, Goal Digger, Online Marketing Made Easy, Life with Marianna, Dream Bigger, Boss Babe, and Ready Set Spill.


Links to her social medias:

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  • November 2, 2024
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