
Arielle Petitclerc: from student to colleague at LaSalle College

Arielle Petitclerc, an actual Fashion Marketing student, has been with us for a few months already as a Content Marketing Support Officer for LaSalle College Vancouver.
Professional Milestone: Arielle's Journey

Name: Arielle Petitclerc
Title: Content Marketing Support Officer
Study Program: Fashion Marketing
Will obtain degree in: May 2024

Professional Portrait of a Smiling Woman

1. What is your position and what are your main responsibilities?

I’m a Content Marketing Support Officer and my main role is to create marketing content for all of LaSalle College Vancouver’s social media accounts.

2. How did you hear about this position and what was the LaSalle College hiring process like?

A few months ago, I was walking around the seventh floor waiting for my first class of the day to start. I saw a posting on one of the bulletin boards about a summer internship as a content marketing officer right here at LaSalle College.

So I decided to contact the LCI Education team (which LaSalle College is part of) to find out more about the job offer. And here I am, two months later, as a student AND an employee at my school.

3. How does LaSalle College make it possible for you to balance study and work?

As I mentioned before, I’m currently a full-time student. So, you can understand why balancing school and work is really important for me.

That’s why the LCI Education team suggested that I continue my career part time once my internship is finished, so I can concentrate on my studies. This arrangement will allow me to continue my academic career, as well as my professional career.

4. What concepts/skills learned during your studies have you been able to put into practice in your current position?

There are several concepts I learned in my Fashion Marketing program that apply in my work as a content marketing officer. For example, the social media and advertising areas are often discussed and put into practice in my current job.

Plus, I learned to use creative software during my studies and they’re still very useful for me when I’m working on creative content. Basically, studying at LaSalle College really immerses you in an environment that’s just like the job market.

5. What have you learned in your current role that you’ll use throughout your professional career?

In this role, I’ve learned that it’s important to trust myself and go for it! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. We have to take risks for the things that are important to us.

6. What are your future professional goals? What would be your dream career?

Since I was a little kid, I’ve dreamed of working on fashion shows. Organizing a show from start to finish is one of my biggest goals for the future.

Links to her social media accounts:

Professional Woman in a Meeting

Open House | Salle Jean-Paul-Morin (2nd floor), LaSalle College

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  • November 2, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM