A young woman stands confidently in a classroom, presenting her interior design portfolio to a group of attentive students.
A young woman stands confidently in a classroom, presenting her interior design portfolio to a group of attentive students.

Invite Us for a Workshop at Your School

LaSalle College at Your School!

  • Meet Our Representatives

    Our experts will visit to talk with your students and answer all their questions.
  • Discover Our Programs

    We will present our diverse DEC programs, specially designed to prepare students for a promising future in various fields.
  • Interact with Our Students and Teachers

    Take the opportunity to meet students and/or teachers from LaSalle College and discover their insights about the programs and student life at LaSalle College.

Open House | Salle Jean-Paul-Morin (2nd floor), LaSalle College

Open House

Discover why, every year, thousands of students choose LaSalle College to achieve their dreams.
  • November 2, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM