FLEX Classrooms

HyFlex Learning at its Best

Flexible learning environments...
Our FLEX classrooms allow for HyFlex teaching, meaning that the teacher can offer his or her course to both in-class students and online students simultaneously. Students benefit in many ways from the increased flexibility of these classrooms.
In addition to being able to take advantage of the online option if an emergency arises, students can, if the pedagogical context allows it, choose the method of teaching they prefer to facilitate the balance between school, work, and family.

...Without ever compromising the quality of teaching
With the student experience at the heart of our concerns, we have made sure that these classrooms are state-of-the-art to allow online students to feel as if they were there, or almost there!
To do this, and to ensure that all students receive the same quality of learning, our FLEX classrooms are equipped with unparalleled sound and image quality. An online experience of quality greatly enhances motivation, listening, engagement and participation among online students.
Cutting-edge and well-suited technologies
A major investment has been made in these classrooms to equip them with state-of-the-art technologies that meet the needs of students and teachers in terms of quality:
- The sound bar, equivalent to 8,192 virtual microphones, covers all 4 corners of the classroom and provides superior sound quality.
- The 2 screens across the classroom allow the teacher and students to stay connected with the online students.
- The large screen at the front of the classroom allows, depending on the learning activity, to project educational content or even display the students who are online to interact with them.
- The 2 cameras, equipped with automatic framing technology, are strategically placed at the front and back of the classroom. They follow the movements of the teacher or the students in the classroom so that the online students can always be involved in the activities that are taking place in the classroom.
Simplicity that works for everyone
For our FLEX classrooms to be user-friendly, both for the teacher and for the students, it was important to equip them with a technology that does not require any manual intervention once activated.
Our classrooms are therefore equipped with technology that allows them to be 100% connected to TEAMS, the software used at LaSalle College for online teaching. That said, the system can be activated at the touch of a button, leaving room for learning, discovery, and collaboration!