Lilly Berelovich

Fashion Design | DEC
President, Fashion Snoops
Describe your position and key responsibilities?
I run an online trend forecasting company in NY City. Our online website caters to fashion professionals that need to know the latest trend in fashion. We research all areas of the fashion world from runway to tradeshows to global retail to streets. This information gets posted and analyzed on our site and supports fashion professionals with making the right decisions about what to design, produce or buy.
My responsibilities are overseeing the creative team as well as running the business. My goal and vision is always to serve the client in getting the information they need when they need it. I also work with clients on specific consulting projects that support them in creating more trend-right collections.
What is a typical workday in your professional life?
I have an amazing team in New York we are really a family so coming to work is a pleasure. Every day is different. A day can include approving colours or reviewing reports that are being posted. It can also include meeting clients and discussing what we feel will be important for them next season. I travel to speak at events or meet international consulting clients.
Outline your career path?
After graduating LaSalle College in Fashion Design, I started to work as an assistant designer in a kids company in Montréal. I also did business classes in university to complete an international business degree. I worked for several children’s wear companies in Montréal until I decided to move to New York City. In New York I continued to design for several children’s wear manufacturers.
In 2000 I started Fashion snoops from an Idea I had while working as a designer. My husband was working for a high-tech company and the Internet was starting to influence how we lived. I was really tired of doing a lot of travel and design and work with the customers. I wanted the information I was gathering myself to come to my desk. Fashion Snoops was born out of my need and my husbands Internet and engineering knowledge and it has been an amazing ride ever since.
What is your best memory of the time spent at LaSalle College?
LaSalle College was an amazing place for me. I had amazing friends we were a small family. I loved the intimate space and the bonds that were built in my three years. I still keep in-touch with some of my girlfriends from the program.
What was your favourite subject, while in the program?
I didn’t love sewing so much I wasn’t really good at it. I was also not the best sketcher. I loved the history of fashion and loved the projects it was really a great experience starting with a sketch and ending up with the garment you envisioned.
Describe your general feeling during your first day, week or month of school?
What I remember is the garbage bag project; we had to make a dress or outfit out of a garbage bag. It was so much fun doing and seeing the different creations. I met my dear friend Mable that day discussing our outfits.
What advice would you give a student presently enrolled in the fashion program?
Don’t let anyone tell you cannot do it. In all areas whether it’s in class or in life. You are in an amazing time of the fashion industry everything is possible and all borders are being broken so create create create!
What surprised you most when you entered the job market?
I wasn’t that surprised because I worked a few part-time jobs while in school. My advice is to do internships they really give you an insight to different companies that clarify what you really want to do.
What are the essential qualities required to succeed in the fashion world?
Vision, practicality, business sense, flexibility and, of course, creativity.