Spotlight on Our Graduates

Catherine L'Écuyer 

Name: Catherine L’Écuyer
Title: Communications & Industry Image Working Group Manager
Company: mmode, the Metropolitan Fashion Cluster
Study Program: Fashion Marketing
Degree obtained in: 2016

Eight years ago, Catherine L’Écuyer was just starting out in the fashion industry, beginning Fashion Marketing studies at LaSalle College. After pursuing university-level studies in a field that ultimately failed to spark her interest, Catherine decided to return to college in an entirely different field—despite not knowing anything about or anyone in it.

Her adventurous spirit led her onto the right path because this summer, along with the mmode team, Catherine successfully revived the Montréal Fashion Week. Over 80 fashion companies joined this ambitious, more inclusive project that focused on buying local.

Catherine L'Écuyer 

1. What position do you hold and what are your main responsibilities?

“My official title is Communications & Industry Image Working Group Manager.

In concrete terms, I’m responsible for everything even remotely related to communications in the Fashion Cluster: communicating with members, branding, website, social media, media relations, influencer marketing, etc. I’m also in charge of coordinating the mmode Industry Image Working Group which ensures the influence and accessibility of Quebec fashion.

So this means that I manage all of the #mtlstyle strategy (including the last three editions of the Montréal Style magazine), Montréal Fashion Week and other occasional projects that help to create visibility and awareness for the fashion brands here.

Since 2020 I’ve twice had the opportunity to teach classes at LaSalle College.”

2. Could you describe a typical day in your professional life?

“There’s no typical day! I send lots of emails, attend many meetings, keep an eye on social media, briefings with the team, handle minor (and major) emergencies, etc. Before the pandemic I also attended several events per week and I hope we can get back to that very soon.

Since June, I’ve spent almost all my time working on bringing Montréal Fashion Week back to life. This means a lot of follow-ups with various suppliers who have supported us with advertising, public relations or the website, in addition to the daily briefings I have with participating companies.

It’s a lot to handle, but I absolutely love it. My personal values also tie in with those of mmode.”

3. Could you describe your career path?

“After high school, I studied Communication at the Conservatoire Lassalle; I wanted to be a journalist. During my time there, I fell in love with literature and I decided to get my bachelor’s in French Literature at the University of Montréal. In the end I realized that it wasn’t for me and I decided to return to college to study Fashion Marketing at LaSalle College.

I finished my final internship on a Friday and by the following Monday I was starting in a Marketing Coordinator position at LCI Education Network appointed at LaSalle College Montréal. I occupied the position for a year before accepting a role at mmode and I’ve been here for over four years now.”

4. What is your fondest memory of your days at LaSalle College?

“Third year! I worked hard during my first two years to really set myself apart and be selected as a member of the 2016 company coordination team and it was a fantastic experience. I learned so much during these two sessions; I developed my work ethic and formed really close bonds with members of my team.”

5. What was your favorite subject in the curriculum? Do you use what you learned now in your career?

“I really enjoyed the Phénomène de mode (Fashion Phenomenon) class, where we explored the history of fashion. I don’t really apply the concepts I learned to my daily work, but sometimes I’m able to share some interesting anecdotes during my networking events!”

6. Could you describe the general impression you had when you started at LaSalle College?

“It was sort of a last chance for me. I had already changed study programs twice and I was older than the average student, so I really had to make this work. I went all in during my three years of studies and it paid off!”

7. What surprised you the most when you entered the job market?

“How small the Montréal fashion scene is. And I don’t mean it in a bad way, I mean I quickly understood why our teachers insisted on the importance of networking.”

8. What advice would you give to a student currently enrolled in the same program that you completed?

“Take advantage of all the opportunities being offered (projects, activities, volunteer work, events) and give it your all. Three hours of class goes by faster if you listen and participate, I promise!”

9. What are the essential qualities required to succeed in your field?

“You have to be curious enough to develop a set of additional skills. I think that specialists will be increasingly in demand in the years to come, but nevertheless right now it’s easier for a non-specialist in marketing communications to break into the industry.”

10. Who are the role models that inspire you and why?

“There are too many to mention! But these last few months I’ve really admired people from my generation and the next who are fighting for an easier job market. I have so much respect for people who work hard to achieve their professional goals and even more for those who also manage to make their personal goals a priority. These are often the most efficient and highest performing people.”

11. Something to add that could inspire the next generation?

“Don’t work harder, work smarter.”

Links to social network pages:

Catherine L'Écuyer 
Catherine L'Écuyer

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