Rodeline Gervais

Name: Rodeline Gervais
Title: Entrepreneur, trainer and event planner
Companies Name: Miss Événementiel, Murmures de circonstances and 30 Minute Hit Boucherville
Study program: AEC in Event Planning and Management
Degree obtained in: 2019

What title do you currently hold and what are your main functions?
I actually hold several positions, but I am primarily an entrepreneur! I chose to become my own boss in areas that I am passionate about: wellness (physical and mental) and events.
I am the co-owner of a boxing, kickboxing and self-defence gym for women, designer of inspirational quotes posters and private events planner.
Describe your career path.
For many years I have worked in the transportation and import/export field, but I felt I was at a turning point in my life.
I have been passionate about everything related to the event industry since childhood. As a young mother with a full-time job, I decided to register for the online AEC in Event Planning and Management. That allowed me to have a good work-study-family balance, and also to start my own business in event planning so I could put into practice what I was learning as I went along.
I already had some knowledge of the event industry, but I was looking for more academic training to better navigate this field. Knowing the reputation of LaSalle College in several fields of study, including event management, I found exactly what I needed: a college-level training in event planning, part-time, online and offered during evenings. The perfect match for me!
In few months, I graduated thanks to qualified, renowned and respected teachers in the field. I can definitely say that I completed a fast, efficient and quality training.
What was your favorite subject while studying at LaSalle College? Are you applying this today to your current career?
I would without hesitation say Lyne Branchaud's classes! They are very practical and full of useful information for the event planning profession. She is an exceptional tutor - she has a gift for engaging her students and giving them as many tools as possible for a successful career.
What advice would you give to a student currently enrolled or interested in enrolling in the same program you studied in?
Just go for it! This training will undoubtedly give you the tools you need to succeed in your career.
Links to her social medias:
- LinkedIn:
- Instagram pages: @missevenementiel, @murmuresdecircumstances, @bouchervillehit